Scholarship Program

The mission of the scholarhsip committee is to offer financial assistance as well as academic direction to any member of the Cuyahoga County fire service employed by a department maintaining active participation with the CCFCA. The Scholarship Committee is comprised of: Chief Galgas (Chair),Chief Carroll, Chief Elliott, Chief Lyons, and Chief Schepp.


Applications may be obtained from this website and should be completed electronically. Once completed please subit the entire and complete document to in PDF format.


There are two application periods annually and applications must be received prior to March 15th and November 15th each year. Please download the application and guidance below:

CCFCA Scholarship Application
Update 2016 Scholarship Application
Application 5-2016.docx
Microsoft Word document [67.5 KB]
CCFCA Scholarship Guidance
Updated 2016 Scholarship Guidance
CCFCA Scholarship Guidance 2016.docx
Microsoft Word document [81.1 KB]

Additional Scholarship Opportunities:


Northeast Ohio Fire Chiefs Association:

Ohio Fire Chiefs:

Northeast Ohio Fire Prevention Association:


Columbia Southern University Partnership:


Did you know the CCFCA maintains multiple committtes designed to forward fire service initiatives in our County? The Education Committee is comprised of 4 members and is chaired by Chief Bob Chegan of North Royalton. If you have any educational needs or suggestions please feel free to contact the Education Committee.

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Cuyahoga County Fire Chiefs Association